Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Maandag 02 november 2020

Measures from gezondheidcentrum Kanaleneiland in connection with the Coronavirus (COVID-19):

  • We do not shake hands when entering and saying goodbye.
  • You should preferably make appointments by telephone via the assistant. We prefer to have as few people as possible at our desk.
    We ask you to arrive exactly on time so that we do not have too many people in the waiting room at the same time.
  • A maximum of 1 supervisor per patient may come to the waiting room and / or treatment room.
  • Within the center we adhere to the RIVM guidelines and keep a distance of 1.5 meters.
    If you have a cold, cough or have other respiratory complaints, do not come to the practice, but contact us by phone.
  • You cannot make an appointment via the emergency post to be tested. To request tests, please refer to the national information number (0800-1202), the regional information number of the GGD (030- 630 54 00) or the website of the GGD region of Utrecht.
  • Waiting times on the phone are longer than you are used to. We ask for your understanding.

Do you have any questions about the virus? Check the RIVM or call 0800-1351.

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